Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Why do teenagers describe themselves as random?

This seems to be the word of the moment and the more random you say you are the more cool you are? I think the teens will look back on this like I have and realize being totally awesome or completely rad is sooo dated and silly teen speak?Why do teenagers describe themselves as random?
like, for sureWhy do teenagers describe themselves as random?
I think the issue is that teenagers sort of struggle to describe themselves in terms of stereotypes most of the time (as in ';I'm kind of preppy'; or ';I'm a nerd';). But of course no one fits into a stereotype perfectly, and so teenagers see the qualities that they have that don't fit into the stereotype or group they consider themselves a part of as ';random.'; For example, my sister (17) is an art student who listens to punk music and smokes. She would consider herself a punk, but she's also kind of ';random'; because she really likes some non-punk music (like Bruce Springsteen).

Saying you're ';random'; is a way to justify any individual quality in a world where your peers expect you to fit into a certain mold. But that's just been my experience.
because we tend to jump from topic to topic quickly.

for example, a group of friends would start talking about the terrible lunches the school has and when out of no where, someone says they are going to go buy a pair of shoes later, it's completely off topic or unrelated.

i guess we think to ourselves too much and blurb out things.

most teens have random moments but i don't really describe myself as random.
Since when did saying we are random mean we're cool? Duh. I'm 14, and that is not the way it is. We are random, because when we hang out with friends, we are wayy stupid, and make up RANDOM crap. Get it? Most teenagers are like that, so that's why we say we are random. Also, it's when someone can change the subject very easily. That is a quality a lot of teenagers have too. (It's kinda necessary for High School) =) Hope I helped.
Teenagers are random because they make stupid sparatic decisions sometimes. They actually caught on. They put the word random on it because people must have been saying it a lot and it caught on. Just like rad its a generational thing that will go by and end up some thing else soon.
im a teen i am sooooo random. being random is cool and unepected and un generic. and i never really notice other people using the word i thought i was the only one.... seriously though.....
It kinda means outta the blue.

And different?

like if my friends did something like jump into a pool fully clothed id say ';that was random'; like a statement.

I think they describe themselves as random because it makes them seem unpredictable?
what they mean is that they bring up things that have no relation to anything at the moment. kinda compamenting themselves for their funnyness.
Well because most of the time teenagers do random things and say random things.
I'm so cool, I'm /dev/random
same i dont know? i dont know how teens can be ';random';
I dont know but i think its the most annoying word in the world.
I guess so. I heard that a lot of times too...come to think about it...
I think I know the problem..

your pregnant
mm..i dont knoww..but random can describe lots of types of people ^-^

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