Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How likely is it for a pregnant teenagers baby to have down's syndrome?

The chances seem to be higher in those at age 35 and over!!

Frequency of occurrence of Down syndrome

%26lt; 25 years old 1 in 2,000

25 - 34 1 in 2,300

35 - 44 1 in 250

%26gt; 45 1 in 80

All ages 1 in 800How likely is it for a pregnant teenagers baby to have down's syndrome?
pretty rare just bc your young has nothing to do with it.How likely is it for a pregnant teenagers baby to have down's syndrome?
It is pretty rare. Older woman after age 35 are more likely to have babies with Downs syndrome.
very unlikely. The odds of having a child born with down's syndrome increases dramatically after 30 (I believe it goes from 1 in 2000 to 1 in 200)
As probable as it is that a non-teenage pregnant woman's baby would have Downs syndrome, maybe slightly lower because as you get older the likelihood is greater, but teenage or early twenties or thirties is all the same

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