Saturday, August 21, 2010

When did you realize them Jonas brother were teenagers?

They are not very attractive looking.When did you realize them Jonas brother were teenagers?
I have no interest in them whatsoever, they could pass me in the street and I wouldn't recognize them.When did you realize them Jonas brother were teenagers?
i already knew they were teenagers :S

just cos you didn't? Lol.

i think they are attractive, but that's your opinion.
what does their looks have anything to do with the fact that they are teens??

and to A LOT of people they are gorgous (i am one of them) and only 2 are teenagers.
Sorry I don't really get your question

But I think they're all attractive in their own ways

And I always knew they were teens
only Nick is a teen. Joe is 19 and Kevin's 20.

I think it's easy to tell they're pretty young b/c they have a boyish charm.
that question doesn't really make sense.

i think they are all attractive,

but you're entitled to your opinion.
When i heard their crappy name, heard their crappy music and saw their pathetic attempt at rock =]
They are 15,19 %26amp; 20 so two are teenagers only.

And they are to!
I only just realised now! Lol.
I dont understand but i knew they were teens
well two of them are teens, but one is 20.
only two are teens, one is twenty
there naw when you said (;
I would have not known it until you told us .
i dont know and i dont care. Sorry/

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