Friday, July 30, 2010

Why is parental pressure on teenagers more harmful that peer pressure??

I've got to write and essay on this so if anyone has any ideas they would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks!Why is parental pressure on teenagers more harmful that peer pressure??
Here are just some ideas, in no specific order.

-parents are generally with you for the first 18 years of your life, bare minimum. Friends can come and go, but you can't escape the influence of your parents.

-peers are generally considered more or less one's equal, while parents are percieved as superior by young children. Therefore, what they say carries even more weight than what friends say.

-While the influences of friends generally last only through a person's life, bad parenting can affect generations down the line. For example, patterns of spousal abuse and child abuse...children in abusive households are more likely to raise thier kids in the same environment, so one bad generation of parenting can screw up people for many years to come.Why is parental pressure on teenagers more harmful that peer pressure??
That is one mighty big assumption. Although there are always exceptions, the normal situation would be that the parents have the child's best long-term interests at heart. They will have invested much in terms of effort, time and money in the child. They want the child to grow up to enjoy life.

The child's peers have no greater interest than the kicks available in the immediate future. Whatever pressure they apply will be for their benefit - not the child's.
Because many parents think they actually know the kid. They want the kid to be the best. Dont worry Im 13 and my mom kept yelling at me over a math problem (Im failing math) I know she does it because she wants me to get somewhere. But I know in order to work with mentally disabled kids i dont need to know about i just yelled and walked away.
Even if teenagers pretend it's not true, most of them look up to their parents or value what they say. So when their parents pressure them they feel that if they don't live up to their parent's expectations then they be a failure and their parents will hate them for it.
because you live with parents.

you have to deal with it almost every day i guess

parental pressure results in teenagers fear of surpassing parents needs of standards. to impress parents fearing of consciences
Because parents are the major control source in a kids life whether they like it or not. Meaning, anyone can ignore a student idiot, but parents? Not so much. They go home to parents to, which makes it worse.
Teens always want their parents to love them and think of them as perfect, and when their parents criticize them, they start to see themselves differently and feel less self-confident
because deep down, whether the teen is close to their parents or not, they know their parents opinions matter more than their peers.
Because u should feel comfortable around ur parents and when you don't feel comfortable u cant get away from them.
Because parents mean a lot more to children than their peers. Parents are you you want to satisfy and seek approval.
because naturally, children will strive for their parents approval, and they look up to them alot more than their peers.
Because family is family and nothing will ever change that.
Because it puts the child under stress. To do well in school and never be a real child.
Parents' decisions have far more of an impact on a person that any friend could have.
Silly rabbit tricks are for kids....

do your own homework.
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