Friday, July 30, 2010

Why do people judge, criticize, or complain when teenagers make babies when the ?

main stream media is saturated with sexual content? Is it do as I say not as I do?

Why do people judge, criticize, or complain when teenagers make babies when the ?
It seems that most people are ok with teenagers having sex... as long as they don't get pregnant. I think those people need to realise that pregnancy is the natural outcome of sex, and that no birth control is 100% effective. The main problem with today's sex education is that children are taught that as long as they use birth control, everything will be fine. I don't see how they can expect to teach children about the joys of sex from a ridiculously young age, and then expect there to be no teenage pregnancies. And so much for pro-choice - it seems, if you're a pregnant teen, the only right choice is an abortion.

Young mothers need the support and guidance of society, not judgement. Some people will complain about having to pay taxes towards welfare support, but isn't that what it's there for? Helping those who really need it? A reduction in teenage pregnancies will never happen until the liberals start mentioning 'abstinence' more in their sex education lessons.Why do people judge, criticize, or complain when teenagers make babies when the ?
You are absolutely correct - in that the media is full of tv programs about teens with adult situations. So is there any wonder that teens think they are adults, and that it is okay to engage in unprotected sex, be entitled to all the latest gadgets and be disrespectful to their parents?

BUT - at the end of the day - if teenagers want to be regarded as adults, then they need to start acting responsibly. They need to recognize the difference between real life and the dramas portrayed on tv. They can't have it both ways - being supported by their parents, and disregarding any of their wishes or plans for them. If they want their own lives, then I say -go on out and make them for themselves! No harm in getting a job, putting yourself through college and purchasing your own laptops, cell phones and latest fashions.

Time to grow up, kiddies!
Yet again, why do they continue to complain about teenagers having children; when it is ‘apparently’ it is against “God” to have an abortion. There are no answers to these questions because there is too much hypocrisy, too many opinions.

It’s a huge double standard; they are condemned if they have the child condemned if they don’t. Humanity is a mess. We have preceded far beyond logical thinking, yet with all the knowledge at our hands; what do we do with it? Read gossip magazines, watch the rot box, consume frivolous material things etc. We have everything, yet we act as though we know nothing. In the 21st century it is nothing but an embarrassment.
So are you blaming the media for the instances of teen pregnancy? That seems wrong. Teenagers may be naive but they aren't stupid. Teen pregnancy is usually caused by pure carelessness, not by watching some TV show saturated with sexual content. That's the same as saying kids are violent because of video games. It's a cop-out that parents use so that they don't have to feel responsible for their children's actions.

I don't think anyone really expects that teenagers WON'T have sex. It's just that we expect them to use the proper birth control. Especially in our day and age when it is so easily accessible.
Because other first world countries have less puritanical ideas about sex, and yet they have lower teen pregnancy rates. Take a look at France - when I was over there it was perfectly normal to see images of topless women in advertising. Yet they have a lower teen pregnancy rate than the US. There's obviously some other factor at work, like better sex education, better access to birth control, better parenting or something else.
The media is also saturated with crime drama depictions of people murdering others, yet we don't excuse murder for that reason. We presume that the average post-pubescent human is capable of thinking for herself and not making stupid choices merely because someone on television did it.
i started having sex from 14 but i always used birth control. i know numerous girls that got pregnant here in England to get a free house and benefits. They even say this was the reason why they did it.

Me having sex didnt bother anyone else as i was careful. Yeah sometimes birth control fails but not that often compared to being downright careless
everybody judges im judging by sayin this i alone judge far less than everybody else. people just have society to blame if everybody wasnt tryin to be common and like everybody else then we would be able to smoke weed in public so **** this country and have a good day.
Well Germany is just as saturated with sexual content and it is one huge city of 80 million considering the size of the country and the population number and yet somehow teenagers her manage to put on a condom. Far less teen pregnancies.
Yea it appears that we like to imperialise others with our views.

If you're hinting about the Palin case all I can say is her response should simply be ';I can raise my daughter in any way I choose but I can't force her to conform to my views';
Because society loves to control younger people and every generations sees it as their right to ';SAVE'; the current younger generation.
Adults know how to have sex and not make babies, we're exposed to the same media-rot as they are... do you think sexy commercials are why they have sex? I thought it was hormones...
We are concerned with babies raising babies. We don't need a generation of welfare mothers.

.......and we do know that there are contraceptives.
Enjoying sex doesn't = having babies which the tax payer can look after.

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