Friday, July 30, 2010

Why do a lot of teenagers not like science just for their own religion?

I'm not saying all teenagers since that wouldn't be the truth. I get more upset than I should when this happens. I think I get upset since I'm not looking at their point of view.

I would like to know this point of view better. Do you believe God and nothing else for comfort, fear, or something else?

(I am religious, but my religion includes science and how the spirit evolves.)Why do a lot of teenagers not like science just for their own religion?
I grew up Methodist, and always had my doubts.

A lot of teens are under the influence of their parents, and are kinda pushed towards believing what their parents believe. Which can create a lot of conflict once that child has gotten older and is faced with their own decisions. Science, especially biology conflicts with a lot of conservative Christian beliefs. Especially in the creation of species and evolution.

I grew up in a Christian home and still attend church with my mother, but consider myself Agnostic in my views. I know that there is some sort of creative force, I just don't know what it is. I know completely that evolution happens, and that is an amazing thing. I am a bio major at college with a fascination in paleontology (digging fossils). My parents except that, and respect it.

I think kids need to find their beliefs for themselves.Why do a lot of teenagers not like science just for their own religion?
i'm a teen. i do have a religion but i don't exactly believe in it. i'm only telling ppl i have a religion cuz of my parents. THey believe in god because they were taught to do so, its like 'The Lotery'. just blindly following a tradition...i don't like science cuz my teacher failed me...
Because Science displays that there are other forces at work that controls everything, and is responsible for our existance.

Science speaks of evolution... Religion states that we were created by some higher being...
Science is definately not a religion. Science is based on facts and religion requires faith.

Religion has truth in faith, not necessarily truth in facts. That is why a lot of people cannot reconcile the two.
i am 13 and taking confirmation i go to service and i know that i believe the thing is for me to believe somewhat in science i have to think hmmm god created animals and thats how we could have evolved or that god created man and there is a somewhat science to that

so i am saying basically teens do believe in some science but don't want to say it because they think god will not accept them, plus u have to remember we are only teens and are still discovering their faith
I'm 15, go to a catholic convent school where it is compulsary to take RE and I would have to say about half the kids in my class don't beleive in God.

Maybe in England its a lot different to USA, I dunno but I always found it weird how so many people including myself, since going to my school have lost faith. I don't completely disbelieve in God but 90% of me doesn't. I think the science way of teaching kids how the world began etc is a lot more realistic. (At my school we get taught both which is very contradicting.) But the majority of my class beleive in science over religion lol.
Because they were raised to trust an old book written long ago when common sense didn't exist. I used to never like telling my friends I'm agnostic...or atheist...whatever I am. They would get defensive and upset. Now, as I get older, I find more and more of my own friends either don't believe what they are being taught in church, or are atheists. Some people lose the ability to think for themselves when it comes to what really happened.

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