Friday, November 25, 2011

Why do teenagers drink themselves silly?

I'm 17, male and hardly ever drunk in my life. Yes, i'm one of a kind but I don't care. I just hate teens who drink themselves silly because basically its just killing them at the end of the day. I only care for my health and if I started wasting my money on alcohol then I would be desperate.

I know I only live once but I want a healthy life with no mishaps because of alcohol. I just find it unbelievable how much little kids drink and what it must be doing to their systems. If only they knew ... they don't seem to care anyway.Why do teenagers drink themselves silly?
There are lots of reasons but I think the main one is the bad example set by role models, because princes and their girlfriends do it, because sports stars are always in the news when they get drunk, and especially pop singers, even female ones who think it's ok to be out of their minds.

Alcohol is cheaper now than it's been for years, supermarkets sell it cheaper than water, you have a government which thought 24 hour drinking was ok and now regret it etc. etc.Why do teenagers drink themselves silly?
It's definitely about being cool. If you want to fit in, you have no choice but to drink, smoke, sometimes even do drugs. It's not fair but that's just the way it is, at least it is this way where I live.

Most of the kids think they need to get drunk in order to have fun - I guess even the tough ones are a bit insecure :)

But, as you said, there's more to life than having fun once in a while (let's hope this doesn't mean getting completely wasted a few times a month!). It's also about who you'll be in 10-year-time, for example, and 'having fun' in a rehab doesn't seem to be the best option.
My guess it is a fashion and it will pass just like all the other teen crazes of the past. The more the media create a moral panic about it, the more kids are likely to want to do it, just to flex their independence. I think they are also bored; as a society we don't seem to have a vision of what we want to create. We are fed mediocre entertainments, dead end jobs for the masses, and unattainable celebrity.
you hate cause you dont live that life..your HATE IS stupid idiotic, and pointless, and strives from your so called failures in life...if its so umimportant, to you..than why would you hate it...I LOVE to party, smoke weed, chill with girls, get drunk occasionally, the only thing i dont like is, fakes, who barley do sh#t, get caught once by their parents, and than talk about the hard life..if you love to party you will continue,, by the way i No allot about drugs, and many other things, i no the consquences, and things that happen, when you smoke harmless herb, and when you trip shrooms or acid...

SOME other people, say you have 1 life so i party
I would have to say that it's because they are teenagers. Young, dumb and full of.... you get my point, they don't have enough life experience to make good decisions. Other reasons include peer pressure and the desire to be cool. I would have to say, though, that the better question might be... Why do adults drink themselves silly?
I hate to point a finger, but the media can make it hard for teens to understand that fun is about a lot more than drinking. Not to say that some don't do it for other reasons.
Because their idea of drinking is to drink as many as you can in short space of time.
theres nothing wrong with experimenting... that is how you learn.

experimenting and learning is what teens do as part of growing up
They think it makes them look big and probably most of them dont even like the taste. Im with you on the health issue
cus they think they're being all grown up and actin 'cool' in front of their mates. :l
they learn this at home. they are practicing to be adult a--holes.
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