Friday, November 25, 2011

What is your opinion on parents who have pregnant teenagers?

i believe that severe lack of discipline and guidance caused the knocking up and it is simply bad parenting when a child cannot make an appropriate decision with their own bodies.What is your opinion on parents who have pregnant teenagers?
I do not have any negativity towards parents of pregnant teens or parents of teen parents. I almost became pregnant when I was 15 years old due a broken condom, luck was with me and I did not become pregnant. However, if I had become pregnant, I would not want people to think poorly of my parents. Me choosing to have sex has nothing to do with the way that my parents raised me. My parents are great parents, they raised me well and gave me great advice to put me on a successful path. This is not always a guarantee towards teens not getting pregnant though, because people more times than not (especially teens) will do what they want and will disregard the warnings and advice of other people. Had I become pregnant at 15, I know that my parents upbringing of me would not have been the cause. My older sister did not have sex until she was 18 years old and I am not 100% sure on this but I have reason to believe that my twin sister is a virgin but I would not be surprised to find out that she has had sex with her current boyfriend, which would mean that she too waited until she was 18 to have sex. Under certain circumstances the parents could have some responsibility in the matter. For example, I was friends with a girl when I was a freshman in high school and she got pregnant (when she was 15) on her family vacation with her boyfriend, her parents gave her and her boyfriend their own separate room. This was poor decision making on the parents account, however, my friend also did some poor decision making or else she would not be a mother right now. All in all, I think that parents are not to blame for teens becoming parents.What is your opinion on parents who have pregnant teenagers?
I don't think that a pregnant teenager should reflect your opinion towards their parents. it wasn't the teens parents decision to have sex. most teens who become pregnant are very concerned about telling their parents because they think their parents will kill them, just look at all the questions on here like '; help im 16 and pregnant and i don't know how to tell my parents!?'; doesn't that tell you that their parents obviously care about their children and have been trying to teach them to make good, healthy decisions? nd would be pissed to know that they got themselves into a situation like that?


you said ';i believe that severe lack of discipline and guidance caused the knocking up ';

and i'd like to give you a little lesson in sex ed

getting pregnant is caused by having unprotected sex,

no amout of guidance or discipline will stop teenagers from having sex.

unless you beat your child to the point that they are terrified to have sex, but then, well, you shouldn't be a parent.
You would think so but you obviously have zero experience on what it's like to raise kids so...

Not every kid who is ';bad'; is that way because their parents suck. Just like not every kid who is ';good'; has great parents. Some kids get in trouble to please their friends, who they value more than their parents, especially if those parents actually have values they're considered ';uncool';. Some kids do really well for themselves because they lived with terrible parents and did not want to follow that path.

Parents with pregnant teens? Not always the result of not instilling values or discipline. Like I said, kids do what they want regardless of what is taught to them. At that age, being accepted is sometimes more important than doing the right thing.You can point to the parents all you want, but really even think about yourself. Are you a puppet and do EVERYTHING your parents tell you? No.

My parents were great and very strict disciplinarians. I have a good head on my shoulders and I know what I should and shouldn't do, but I still did a lot of things in my youth that I wouldn't wish my own kids to do. You're young, you're curious, you take chances. That's life.
Accidents happen, and I don't beleive its our right to judge, seeing as a silly little opinion like that isn't going to change anything at all.

And a lot of teen moms turn out to be wonderful caring mommies, and i think the parents support plays a large role in that.
That doesn't make them bad people.

Teens get put under alot of pressure with that stuff,

and still do it even when they have strict parents.

Parents can't watch their kids every second of the day.

Its the teens fault and I don't think it should reflect their

parents in any ways.
Well, i used to just pass them off as people who just didn't care about their kids until yesterday.

I found out that a girl I used to be friends with, big sister is pregnant. Her family certainly weren't bad people.. its totally down to the person.

Well thats what i think,

Well it is the parents job to talk to their kids about sex and let them know how they feel about it. (Birth control, abstinence, etc.) However, ultimately it's the kids who make the decision to have sex.
I know for a fact everyone makes mistakes and in God's eyes no mistake is worse than another. I support teen parents and their parents, it takes a lot of courage to be in that position and really step up.
I think theres nothing worse then people trying to cast judgment on people the dont know. I think from your ignorent views you are not a parent yourself therefore, cannot comment on parenting. Wise up.
i don't judge them. i know accidents happen, and its not like parents can keep track of their kids 24-7. why make their lives even harder?
They are failures in instilling moral values.

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